This blog post isn’t about explaining MTA-STS (there are already plenty of resources on the Internet to read about this), but more about its integration with custom domains when e-mail is handled by ProtonMail.
@Wonderfall wrote some years ago a very interesting blog post detailing how ProtonMail lack of MTA-STS support could be circumvented using two DNS entries and a statically served Web page.
However, one month and half ago, someone on Reddit has come up with an elegant solution, presented as “zero maintenance”, leveraging a CloudFlare worker (source, inspired by CloudFlare own documentation) :
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
return fetch('');
So we will properly detail how to implement this solution, but more importantly how we can self-host a CloudFlare worker alternative, so as not to depend on (another) third-party service provider.
How to setup MTA-STS
Below configuration and code snippets use fake
domain name.
Create a new mta-sts
Before anything else, we have to create a
subdomain. So you can create an A
record which targets a Web server you administrate. A
record type is currently safer, just in case the MTA on the verge of connecting to ProtonMail servers lack of IPv6 support.
Create a new Apache site : TLS, reverse proxy and cache
Once it’s done and DNS propagation took place, you have to setup TLS for this domain on the Web server, as you would do for any other site.
As MTA-STS policies aren’t really known to change over time, we enable caching to prevent systematic connections to ProtonMail servers.
For instance, your Apache VHOST configurations could look like (/etc/apache2/sites-available/
) :
<VirtualHost *:443>
# Allow proxy engine to connect to an HTTPS server
SSLProxyEngine On
# Setup caching to make it honor ACL and cache the response for 1 day
CacheQuickHandler Off
CacheSocache shmcb
CacheSocacheMaxTime 86400
# Ignore ProtonMail "Cache-Control" and "Expires" headers
Header unset Cache-Control
Header unset Expires
# Ignore lack of "Last Modified" header in ProtonMail response
CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On
# Transparently serve Proton's MTA-STS policy
<Location /.well-known/mta-sts.txt>
CacheEnable socache
# Result will be cached, always close TCP session afterwards
ProxyPass disablereuse=on
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mta-sts.example.org_error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/mta-sts.example.org_access.log combined
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security: "max-age=63072000"
<VirtualHost *:80>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]
You now only have to enable some Apache modules as well as above new site, and reload Apache configuration (Debian procedure) :
a2enmod cache_socache proxy ssl
systemctl reload apache2.service
# If you opt for disk-based caching (mod_cache_disk), don't forget to enable Apache2 cleaning systemd service
systemctl enable --now apache-htclean.service
You can now check MTA-STS policy is properly enforced for your domain by downloading it :
version: STSv1
mode: enforce
max_age: 604800
Setup MTA-STS discovery through _mta-sts
Now your MTA-STS policy is available to the world, you have to allow its “discovery”, through an additional TXT
DNS record.
So the idea here, instead of copying ProtonMail own TXT
record value (dig +noall +answer TXT
) and adding it ourselves as
, is rather to simply create a CNAME
, pointing to
This way, when MTA will try to probe SMTP server for MTA-STS support, they will hit ProtonMail own beacon :
dig +noall +answer TXT 1799 IN CNAME 1200 IN TXT "v=STSv1; id=190906205100Z;"
That’s it ! MTA-STS policy should be enforced for your domain
How to setup TLS-RPT
Wait ! Don’t close this tab yet ! Let’s take the opportunity to have access to our DNS administration console to also setup TLS-RPT.
TLS-RPT (“TLS Reporting”) allows you to receive reports about e-mail delivering issues, which are related to TLS connection. As we just have enforced a strict TLS policy, this is important to at least be notified in case of errors.
So first, let’s query ProtonMail’s TLS-RPT configuration :
dig +noall +answer TXT 1200 IN TXT "v=TLSRPTv1; rua="
So ProtonMail asks MTA to POST
TLS-RPT reports to their own API endpoint.
However, as TLS-RPT allows us to specify more than one RUA (which stands for “Reporting URI for Aggregated reports”) :
The record supports the ability to declare more than one rua, and if there exists more than one, the reporter MAY attempt to deliver to each of the supported rua destinations.
So let’s leverage this specification detail to send report to ourselves, as well as ProtonMail (hoping they actually do something about them).
You only have to create a new TXT
record for
which contains the value v=TLSRPTv1;,
. Don’t forget to adapt the e-mail address which should receive those reports !
Check your security policy
If you’re happy with your setup, you can then test it using (for instance, and I’ve absolutely nothing to do with them) EasyDMARC. A TLS-RPT checker is also available.
I hope this post has helped you ! As always, credits go to their respective owners and comments are appreciated
> Post header image was generated using ChatGPT (please, never again)